
Minggu, 27 Oktober 2019


the project already has its own original technology that will enable solar energy processing to be more involved in cryptographic mining resources. Thanks to this technology, people who invest will receive additional income that is stable at more than 40% every month. The TLS group uses a technology called CSP. CSP converts solar heat into electricity, and thanks to its partners, Si14 generates electricity from solar energy several times more efficiently than other similar technologies.

Hasil gambar untuk grup tls

Block mining continues to stimulate people around the world to mine cryptocurrency, working on coordination mechanisms. Because of this, people are more than ready to run energy-intensive machines to be able to mine crypto currencies. This leads to the fact that the total energy consumption in the Bitcoin network becomes disproportionate because the value of the currency reaches new highs. Currently, the entire Bitcoin network consumes more energy than some countries, according to a study by the International Energy Agency.

The real problem is related to the equipment needed to solve complex mathematical problems related to mining. This is very expensive and not available for most cryptographic enthusiasts. Not everyone can afford it, and there are other problems, including large electricity bills.

It's important to understand the project fully before investing in it. Basically, this happens in the cryptocurrency room that has just begun. TLC has opened dialogue for the whole world so that interested investors receive answers to all questions. Know that your client is another security feature. Only real investors who have passed an audit have access to purchase TLC tokens. TLC has made every effort to ensure platform security as the highest priority. Join this platform and be part of the changes made by blockchain technology around the world.

does the TLS group work?

TLS Group is a leading provider of cryptocurrency and portfolio management solutions in the clean energy segment. We strive to become one of the largest mutual funds with our partners, and we already have unique technology to process solar energy to mine cryptocurrency. The technology we use will enable investors to achieve passive income of 40% per month.

CSP - technology to convert solar heat into electricity at the same rate. CSP Stirling from our partner Si14 produces electricity from solar energy several times more efficient than traditional photovoltaic (PV) technology.

Thanks to the servo and tracking system that monitors the sun throughout the day. As a result, electricity is produced at the lowest price per kW on the market. Understanding our business model will help you get a clear picture of TLS tokens. Compared to other companies, the TLS group is much better and better known by the community, especially in the environment. Not only because the system is effective, but also because the service is easily received.

Increasing TLS group bids can stimulate and prevent investors from changing their bids to other companies. Investor needs can be met. In addition, the product will be more easily accepted.

Hasil gambar untuk grup tls


  • Unique green energy technology.
  • Short-term investment returns.
  • You don't need to buy ASIC or GPU
  • There is no direct energy cost

Details of sales of main tokens

TLS = $ 1.3
Soft Cap: $ 10,000,000
Hard Cap: $ 20,000,000

STO: 01.09 - 30.10

Hasil gambar untuk grup tls

This TSL token is an ETH security token that gives holders the right to receive a dividend of around 40% of the TSL group. The proposed token will be valid for 180 days, from 1 April 2019 to 27 September 2019.

And if you are interested in this campaign, you can always find out the details by clicking this link. And also draw conclusions for yourself.

Feedback from our customers

Albina Vaniyants: Investor from Austria

I want to tell you and share with everyone the opportunity to invest their money and get a good dividend from the amount deposited, at the same time there is absolutely nothing, which we give to TLS Group Found. Anyone can be part of the funds! Don't miss the chance to double your finances!

Alexey Zimin: Investor from Russia

About a year ago I met the founder of the foundation. Because the topics of investment and mining were clear to me, it turned out that I quickly found the same language. And now, many feel the real benefits of working with cryptocurrency funds.

Mikhail Bagritsky: Investor from Russia

I want to share my impression about the TLS Group company. I will say right away, when last year I was offered to enter funds, I was skeptical about this. But the meeting with Ruslan made me reconsider my ideas and understanding of the basement. I did not delay and make a deposit.

Valentina Gudko: Investor from Spain

In December 2018, I met with the fund. I studied the information carefully. Until March 2019, I witnessed movements in chat and fund development. Then I decided to talk to Ruslan - the founder of the IMF. Human qualities: openness, sincerity, positive attitude, desire to develop have done their work.


Hasil gambar untuk grup tls
Hasil gambar untuk grup tls

Further information can visit the site below

AUTHOR: Anakcikal
ETH: 0xACE4b197bAEd4ABc6c12fD034BE655ed3141E1c6

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