Despite numerous breakthroughs in the medical segment, mankind has to continue to face complex diseases. Every year a lot of people die from cancer, it happens in many countries. An effective vaccine is what humanity lacks, which is struggling with many terrible diseases. Pandemics regularly attack - in addition to the above problems, heart disease also reduces the number of people annually.

Scientists are constantly trying to select the best methods for dealing with such complex diseases, but they do not have enough time and space to do it really quickly and effectively. It is necessary to investigate all available ways of solving problems, to select really optimal ones, to develop a strategy for further development. Huge computing power - that's what the scientists lack, who want to help mankind in the fight against various pandemics. Only such state-of-the-art equipment allows us to quickly process huge amounts of information, obtain the results of all required studies. Virtually every person has a computer or a mobile device, which also has a decent power, but we use such modern gadgets for our own purposes, without thinking about their potential. The combination of free computing power will open new opportunities for researchers and scientists, such a supercomputer is a reality - it is enough to just choose the right approach to implementing an innovative idea.

The Astra project is designed to realize this potential - it is a unique opportunity to combine devices into one, the supercomputer will receive unprecedented power, which will allow scientists to work more effectively on finding options for fighting dangerous diseases. Researchers around the world will have access to such incredible power - developers use the innovation of Trust Machine1, which stimulates users to provide free power for a noble purpose. Now people who are going to sacrifice a certain amount of free capacity of their device will be able to count on receiving a social reward or reward in the crypto currency. Initially, the Astra ecosystem can boast its own internal currency, which will be used to encourage users.

Innovative discoveries will become commonplace, if the developers of the project Astra will be able to fully realize its potential. Unreal power of the computer allows extremely fast and high-quality processing of huge amounts of information - this approach will make it possible to carry out multiple studies aimed at finding solutions to existing global problems. Scientists from different segments will be able to perform any required research, verify the results, use information that can be quickly found on the Astra computer. The developers are sure that a huge number of customers of their decentralized platform Astra will want to join this unique project. After all, their mobile devices and computers often just stand in offices, not using their power. And now it's possible to do a really right thing - to provide scientists with a supercomputer aimed at researching global problems. In addition, there are rewards for active users - you will have a unique opportunity to help humanity, acquire a certain number of resource tokens or become the owner of a social reward.

Revolutionary inventions are not uncommon in our world, but most of them are aimed exclusively at making a profit. The Astra project is unique in its kind - the developers have done their best to create a powerful decentralized platform. Now humanity has a chance to cope with most complex diseases. In the future, the developers plan to expand Astra's functionality, direct its power to explore different segments in order to find solutions to many existing problems. Today, the main goal of the development team is to attract investors to the project - only the sale of tokens allows you to get the funds necessary for the further development of the idea. In addition, it remains to hope for Astra users - many of them are ready to sacrifice the power of their mobile device to save lives. But for active people there are remunerations - they are paid exclusively by the domestic currency Astra.
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