THALER blockchain technology - ICO BLOG AND MEDIA


Minggu, 22 September 2019

THALER blockchain technology

warm greetings and good wishes back with me Anakcikal and I want to introduce a future currency that is driving growth in the blockchain technology community. This supports to support the pathway to mass adoption of cryptocurrency technology through investments in Thaler's unique decentralized innovation and in accordance with the most trusted coin support on the market. Never spend your money.

Hasil gambar untuk thaler blockchain

About the project and its benefits

As you might have guessed, the project I want to ask now is a platform that will be a decentralized filter to access. In which way users, and special investors, will be able to get the most reliable information about a particular project that has passed through the system - THALER. Simply put, THALER is a blockchain ecosystem with built-in filters, functions and parameters that form the basis of a full analysis of other blockchain projects, with all the reference information generated.

To conduct high-quality verification, the founder of THALER must use a successful verification foundation, which will complement systems such as "jury", artificial intelligence, and systems that collect PSP information (successfully used in court practice). Thanks to this special combination, THALER developers will be able to provide a very high level of trust for their users and investors, who request that no other platform be implemented before.

Features and working principles
Because THALER is focused on the further development of blockchain technology, in its own ecosystem, THALER provides its own token - TAL for all internal operations. Its presence implies not only the standard functions that are bought / sold, but also supports the voting. This function allows you to approve in competitions and more accurately determine the appropriate project for investment. In addition, the selected project will be given a maximum evaluation by the jury, as well as complete investor participation from the most active crypto users.

However, not all projects can enter the THALER verification system. After all, even to get into published, every project must be updated and excluded. For example, having a registration, technical documents, and also filling out a special application in the THALER system itself. Only after that will be available to introduce to users the vast system of THALER.

This principle supports the support of trust in worthy cryptographic projects, and supports the adoption of cryptocurrency. Indeed, many of the tools offered by new projects are undoubtedly an integral solution to existing problems. In addition, their actions are also anticipated to improve our actions.

Hasil gambar untuk thaler blockchain
Crypto Thaler Foundation:

This new concept is designed to support, guide and develop small but interesting crypto projects by creating new collaborations / partnerships between investors, business enthusiasts, IT engineers, crypto fans, etc. Who has the same commitment and passion for crypto. In addition, we will start a meeting, where all members can meet and support their project. Next, we will discuss about blockchain technology, so that each participant is very understanding about the latest.

Our aim here remains the same: mass adoption.

First, every crypto project that contacts our foundation must go through Thaler's safety verification system. We want to gain their competitiveness, so that every project received will be registered and accepted on the Thaler website according to their level of activity (eg Junior, Senior).

We will only encourage enterprising, dynamic and convincing projects that might, someday, change the way Crypto World works!

Every submission received has a minimum entry fee of 1 Ethereum which is visible at a transparent / public address, after a certain period, 90% will be allocated to the winning project, selected by voting, to help them enter the market. 10% received will be donated to charity organizations chosen by the winning project! There will be a small fee of 100 (TAL) that will help the Thaler Foundation grow. Second, every team registered on the Thaler Website has the right to choose other projects but not for themselves.

The Thaler Team won the following selection competition for all competing projects:

1. Stage that has completed the project. We are talking about actual facts and not concepts. Also, we are interested if the project is created, or not, for the Blockchain. It should be presented with a road map so we can go back to their steps or glance at their future plans.

2. Marketing ideas and strategies. This will show the great potential it has in the market.

3. Security and trust - only reliable projects. Mandatory White Paper

4. Originality and difficulties in the market.

5. The real value of projects in the crypto world.

We will be happy to receive more proposals for selecting elections from our collaborators.

Thaler can help create a bridge between Investors and small but attractive projects that can increase the crypto space.

Token Details

The name thaler is used as an abbreviation of Joachimsthaler, a type of coin from the city of Joachimsthal in the Kingdom of Bohemia (now the Czech Republic), where there was a gold mine and the first such coin was sold in 1518. The original Bohemia thaler can be used by, from the emblem of the Kingdom of Bohemia, on the reverse side.

Etymologically, Thal (modern: Tal) is German for "valley", and a thief is someone or something "from the valley". The Czech Spelling is Tolar; many variations of terms used in various languages. In the spelling reform of 1902, German spelling was changed from Thal and Thaler to Tal and Taler, which did not change the English spelling of thaler.

The Dutch daalder then also carried a picture of a lion, which gave them the name leeuwendaalder ("lion thief"). From the abbreviation leeuwendaalder, appear the names of three Balkan currencies now, Romanian Leu and Moldovan and Bulgarian Lev.


We decided to choose the Ethereum blockchain for our extraordinary project called Thaler (TAL).

The motivation of our team is the most trusted and cheapest tokens on the market.

Thaler is the creator of a bridge between our community and big investors. The idea of ​​crypto mass education will lead us to mass adoption.

The complete solution and the lowest trusted coin resolution on the market!

Total supply: 350,000,000 TAL

Spent spent: 180,000,000 TAL

Blockchain: Ethereum

Contract Address: 0x375a08ce3a460f20bbafd282be1e3579a2c31f41

About the Team
Who are we?

We are a small crypto fan team, who came up with the idea to create and manage our own tokens. First of all, the Thaler team is a big supporter of mass adoption.

The capabilities of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have evolved so fast, we are now in a position where mass adoption is possible. Our team is made up of specialists who are all results-driven, experienced and passionate about construction. We are experienced in marketing development, machine learning, robotic process automation or RPA, partnership strategies etc.

Peter F. Drucker: "Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."

Aristotle: "There is only one way to avoid criticism:

Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. "

 Amelia Earhart: "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity."

Theodore Roosevelt: "Believe you can and you`re halfway there."

Team Thaler
"Our goal when we created Thaler was the same as it is today: to accelerate the mass-adoption."

The advent of blockchain structures like THALER is not new. I have already written about a similar resource. Nevertheless, the appearance of this platform has a number of its features and advantages, thanks to which it is able to stand with the existing competition, as well as to tell everyone about its capabilities. But, of course, to evaluate this kaleidoscope of opportunities and prospects from THALER, it will not be enough for you to read a brief review from me. Since outside it lies a whole storehouse of useful and very interesting information. You can familiarize yourself with it by going to the "official project resources" section. And that's all for new reviews!

For More Information Click Bellows Link:


author: Anakcikal
Bitcointalk profile :
ETH: 0xACE4b197bAEd4ABc6c12fD034BE655ed3141E1c6

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